The story behind the dream mandala DREAMCATCHER
Once upon a quiet night, I sat in my studio and heard the gentle sounds of nature around me. The peace and quiet of the night inspired me to capture the magic and wisdom of the dream world in a work of art.
Every brush stroke was filled with the deep connection to the dreams that take us to the hidden corners of our soul. With my senses I took in the silence, felt the gentle breeze blowing through the open window, and saw the twinkling stars lighting up the night sky.
This feeling of security and peace inspired me to create the dream mandala DREAMCATCHER. It symbolizes the protective power of dreams and the wisdom they bring us. The mandala’s harmonious shapes and calming colors bring these feelings to any home it graces.
“The wisdom of dreams watches at the gate of sleep to guide you into the light of your source. May the angels accompany you on this night flight,” the inner voice whispered to me as I finished the last detail of the Painted mandalas. Every time you look at this mandala you will be reminded that the magic and wisdom of dreams are always with you.
Let the dream mandala DREAMCATCHER find a place in your home and remind you every day how beautiful and valuable it is to feel the calming power of dreams and enjoy the wisdom of the night.